Now that we have discovered our story and owned our story it is time to share our story! The most powerful tool that we have to share Jesus Christ with others and to help them understand His perfect love is our own story. I don’t have a dramatic story that will hold people on the edge of there seats about how God rescued me from the depths of sin and totally changed my life. As a very compliant 8 1/2 year old, I could barely think of many sins I had even committed. But I knew that I was a sinner and that God loved me and would forgive me and wanted me in His family. I knew that I could feel His presence and that I loved Him and wanted to accept Him as my Savior. Salvation is a dramatic, life changing event regardless of the circumstances through which we come.
My story, like yours, is filled with moments and seasons that can bring a smile, laughter, a shudder of regret, or even a good ugly cry. The longer we live the more we realize that parts of our story, both good and bad, can help others on their journey. We must always be willing to share our story with others.
1 Peter 3:15 “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
We do not need to use illustrations from other people’s lives to show God’s power, love, guidance, or correction. We have our own illustrations that God has painted across the pages of our own lives. Circumstances that he has either provided or allowed in order for us to grow closely to Him and more mature in our faith. And let me just speak the truth here, if I have to say, “Well, 5 years ago I felt God working…” then I better take a good hard look at my Christian walk and I better start paying better attention to God.
Let’s be honest here. Living life in such an open an honest way is not that easy. Society has an issue with being real, honest, and transparent with each other. Maybe that is why we have so many people who are depressed or feel that they don’t measure up. Because we are all walking around trying to pretend like we have it all together when we all know that we don’t.
I challenge you to be willing to boldly share Christ by telling others how He has worked through in and through you. When you speak, speak humbly from your own story. As you walk through life, humbly walk as an example of Christ from your own story. Embrace your past for it has brought you to be the person you are today.
Just be your own beautiful self. Be who God sees when he looks at you through the blood of Christ.