To all the women – Being a woman in this world is not always easy so I have something to say to each of you for Mother’s Day : *To those who have made a choice not to be a mom – It’s a bold choice and I am proud of you. It takes strength…
Loving God, Loving Others, Loving Yourself, and Loving Life
To all the women – Being a woman in this world is not always easy so I have something to say to each of you for Mother’s Day : *To those who have made a choice not to be a mom – It’s a bold choice and I am proud of you. It takes strength…
Lessons from a Rose Easter Sunday morning I was rushing to get ready for church. It’s a beautiful day and I am so. Excited. To celebrate the resurrection of Christ with part my wonderful church and part of my family. The choir is getting there early to practice one more time. I am really…
I woke a few days ago with a deep sadness in my soul. I said good morning to God, as I usually do, but the weight of the world on my heart was just so heavy. Some serious challenges have slammed into my life and I just needed to pray. I pray, a lot and…
20 years ago today, for a season, the world turned gray. A moment in history that left a scar on the past, a reminder in the present, and hopefully a lasting impression on the future. Many of us remember where we were, what we were doing, who we were with, and how we felt. The…
Heartbroken but Not Defeated – Welcome 2021 I think “heartbroken” is a word many of us have had cross our minds over the past few months. Heartbroken for all those who have lost loved ones and this is their first Christmas season without them. Heartbroken for those who have suffered great loss and were unable…
Past and Present I took these photos this summer. The Holy Spirit moved in my heart as soon as I stepped foot into that beautiful church and saw the stained glass windows. My desire was to write and post about it immediately but my spirit said, “Wait”. This morning, when I got up, the photo…
I know there will be many posts about 2020 Vision. My prayer is that you will take the time to read this one. It may be a little different than some of the others. Hopefully, it will at least make you think and will bring some thoughts of action, growth, and change to your mind….
In researching and writing for the Bible study to go with my painting called “The Message” something new surfaced that I can honestly say has changed my life. Even with the hustle and bustle of the next few days, I hope you will take the time to read this post and sit with it for…
My daughter Lauren is truly a gifted writer and I wanted to share with you her amazing words today. We say we remember… but do we? Do we really? Do we remember how hate had no place in the days immediately after 09.11? – love and servanthood was our first response. Do we remember mourning…
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