For 2016 all of my New Year’s resolutions are found in one word…
I take New Year’s resolutions very seriously. I have had years where I have written pages of instructions for myself. I have had years where not a single word has gone on paper but my thoughts were looking forward to the new year and plans to live it as a better person.
So now I am looking at 2016 – how did it get here so quickly? I shared my previous New Year’s post for 2015 yesterday and I think it was filled with worthy goals. I am rolling those over to continue in 2016.
However, I am so excited for what God has shown me over the past 2 years and I am thrilled to share it with you!
I have decided that what God wants from me is love. Just – love. One simple word that I believe puts all of God’s plan in perfect motion.
It is something that we all know in the very depths of our spirits. Jesus made it very clear in Matthew 22:37-40 New International Version (NIV)
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
So, what will my life look like if my first choice, my first reaction is always to love? I think it will look something like this.
*My first choice every day will be to spend time with God; the One who loves me the most.
*Because I love my family, I will pay attention to their needs and will pray for them sincerely
*I will to love my body and keep it healthy.
*If I see a need, I will act quickly to do all I can to meet it because I want to show God’s love to others.
*Every time I come in contact with someone I will look at them with a heart of love and compassion.
*I will filter all of my thoughts, words and actions through the covenant to love.
1 Corinthians 13 gives us some guidance.
*Love is patient. If I choose to love, I will be patient. I will learn to pause, to breathe, to appreciate.
*Love is kind. If I choose to love, I will be kind.
*Love does not envy. If I choose to love, I will not be envious of others possessions, successes, family, job, appearance, style, talents, calling, etc.
*Love does not boast. If I choose to love, I will only boast in what God has done through my weakness.
*Love is not proud. If I choose to love, I will always remind myself that I would be nothing without God’s love. This will allow no room for pride.
*Love does not dishonor others. If I choose to love, I will honor others with my thoughts, words and my actions. I will respect each person as a creation of God. individual and unique.
*Love is not self-seeking. If I choose to love, I will put others first. I will be more concerned about the needs of others and less concerned with my own.
*Love is not easily angered. If I choose to love, I will control my temper and always try to respond to every situation with love.
*Love keeps no record of wrongs. If I choose to love, I will forgive. *Love does not delight in evil. If I choose to love, I will guard my heart against all evil thoughts and actions. I will stand firm against Satan and all his tricks.
*Love rejoices with the truth. If I choose to love, I will always choose truth – only truth.
*Love always protects. If I choose to love, I will be protect my reputation by making good choices. I will protect my husband by honoring and supporting him. I will protect my children by teaching them the ways of God. I will protect my friends by praying for them and being there for them. I will protect my faith by boldly standing against anything or anyone that tries to mock it or lessen its validity.
*Love always trusts. If I choose to love, my trust will be in God alone. I must remove myself as the CEO of my life.
*Love always hopes. If I choose to love, I will always look for the light at the end of the tunnel because I know it is there.
*Love always perseveres. If I choose to love, I will never, ever give up.
*Love never fails. If I choose to love, I will be placing all of my faith in the success of the New Convenant given by my Savior, Jesus Christ who will never fail me.
*I will joyfully love life!
May God bless you as you follow the path God has set for you in 2016. Let’s just love!