“Because of the tender mercy of our God, with which the Sunrise from on high will visit us,‘To shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death’ to guide our feet into the way of peace.” Luke 1:78-79
I have heard many names for Jesus: Ancient of Days, Anointed One, Lamb of God, Bread of Life, Emmanuel, Shepherd, and many more. Each name of Jesus has its own special place in my heart and takes me back to times in my journey where He has proven the meaning of each name to me.
The name of Jesus that I have learned this year has brought me to my knees. “The Sunrise on high will visit us.” I have never seen a sunrise that I did not love. They speak to me of God’s power and creativity. The sunrise reminds me of a new day, a new chance to share Christ, a few more hours to make good choices and to make a difference in this world.
I proudly claim Jesus Christ as my “Sunrise”. For because of Him, I have hope for this very dark world. Through Him, even my darkest moments are covered in the light of His love. In Him, I rest in the assurance that when night falls on this life morning dawns on my life eternal.
Picture that Bethlehem morning after Jesus was born. Just an ordinary morning as people woke from their sleep and started their ordinary day. But God Almighty the creator of the Universe, The Sunrise, had come to this ordinary world in human form to change everything. Light was pouring over darkness and the battle over sin and death raged on until the horrifying event – death to the Sunrise. It seemed the battle was lost. And then it happened….sunrise on the third day. HE IS RISEN! Our world would never be the same. Grace and forgiveness from our risen Savior, our Sunrise. When I see my last sunrise and draw my last breath, my Sunrise will be waiting for me with open arms. And someday, there will be the final sunrise of all time. My Lord and Savior will return in victory to bring closure to God’s earthly plan and bring on eternity.
Praise God for His infinite love. Praise God for the sunrise in nature that reminds us every day of the hope we have in Christ. How fitting that one of the names of my Savior is The Sunrise. I know my Savior lives for he is not here….he is Risen!
May your Easter be filled with reminders of the Savior’s love for you.