Walk on the Water!
The Sea of Galilee – beautiful, still, peaceful, hazy, calm – so many words describe it. We drove around the Sea of Galilee today. There was never really a clear view because of the haze. It was still perfectly breathtaking and a little surreal. We study and learn about so many things in Jesus’ ministry that happened in or around the Sea of Galilee. The view was made more spectacular because of the events that happened here. Oh if these rocks and hills and this water could talk….
As we stepped on the boat and headed out on the open water my spirit began to stir. The person in charge of the boat put on a cd of worship music and my tears began to fall. Music touches a part of my soul that is not affected by anything else. Now, I have to tell you, they have a CD to match almost every nationality, language, religious belief – interesting right? But this was music that brought me to praise the one and only God of all creation, my God, my Savior.
I can hear His words – “Throw your nets on the other side…”, “I will make you fishers of men…”, “Peace be still”, “Come to me Peter…”, and the list goes on and on. The words reverberate as I look out on the water and picture what it might have looked like and felt like then. Was the water still like it is now before the storm came up? Was it hazy? Were there other boats on the water? Was there a gentle breeze?
I have felt the Spirit at times impress on me to throw my nets on the other side of my boat. I was in the right vicinity, just needed a little different perspective, a new angle, a different focus. I bet you have too. Have you heard it lately? Have you listened and obeyed? What has been the outcome?
I have felt God lead me toward a calling. There is a desire placed in my soul to be obedient in the things He lays on my heart to do. I have a clearer calling now than I have ever had in my life and I am doing my best to follow it. I can see how the calling God put on my heart when I was thirteen years old to follow Him in special ministry has never changed, it has just evolved over time and has fit into every single phase of my life in different ways. Playing the piano in church, teaching Bible studies, serving alongside my husband in various churches as a lay volunteer and then as a minister’s wife, teaching in the public school system for 27 years, and now with Paint & Praise and this blog. I am doing my best to listen closely and to follow. I feel like I fail so often and yet I believe God even blesses my failures if I am trying my best to follow and be obedient. Every one of us has a calling. We are not all called to be paid ministers for a church but we are all called to be a part of the gospel ministry. What is your ministry? Where are you working to build the body of Christ? Where have you been assigned to show the love of Christ to a lost world and to support believers?
Oh, I don’t want to be the one that sits in the safety of the boat and lets the best life God has to offer for me and through me pass by. I don’t think you do either. The work of the Lord is not in the boat. To be truthful, I am terrified of deep, dark water. I like to be able to see the bottom and see my feet! This not only applies to real, scary water…but also to the journey that sometimes takes me into the unknown. It can be unnerving, stressful, scary, difficult, and even dangerous at times. But it can also be exciting, rewarding, tiring, amazing, and fulfilling.
Take the challenge with me. Step out of your boat! You can do it! Put your feet on the water and walk! Keep your eyes on Jesus. If you start to fall, reach out….Jesus is there. He will not let you drown. I have to admit there have been times I have drug myself up onto the bank looking like a ragged, drenched mess…but Jesus never let me drown. If you feel stuck in a pattern that is not productive maybe you need to throw your net on the other side. Get a new perspective and try again. Great things are in store for those who are willing and obedient. Have you been waiting? Just dipping your toes in the water to check the temperature? Estimating the depth? Waiting for the water to clear a little? No more waiting….go! God has a plan, so expect great things.
Thanks for the words and the memory of that day. I needed this this morning.